Yost M3 runs full 25 Hours of Thunderhill on one set of AP Racing discs


We just received some awesome feedback from one of the drivers of the Yost M3, which recently completed the 25 Hours of Thunderhill on our front and rear Essex Designed AP Racing Big Brake Kit. His comments give you a pretty good idea of the durability and performance of our kit under grueling wheel-to-wheel race conditions. They started the race on a used set of discs, ran them over 1500 miles during the full 25 hours without a disc change!

Just wanted to get you some quick feedback on the brake kit. Long story short, we were completely blown away at how well they worked for us. We asked a lot from them and they delivered well beyond our expectations in every way. We ran them for the full 25 Hours of Thunderhill without a single issue, even without brake ducting. Being our first race with this kit we expected to have to change rotors once and pads twice during the course of the race. We started on the used set of rotors that we used for testing before the race and saved our new set for the rotor change during the race. We kept inspecting the rotors throughout the race and are extremely pleased to report that they never had to be changed and we ran all of our testing prior to the race, practice, qualifying, and the full 25 hour race on the same set of rotors. Simply amazing. As for the pads, we started the race on a brand new set and realistically probably could have made the entire race on one full set of pads as well, but they would have been close. We changed all the pads a little over halfway through the race to be safe and the pads we took out had about 14 hours on them and had probably still about 40-45% left.

We were completely shocked at how well they were holding up and we can only attribute that to the performance of the kit. Even without brake ducting the temps stayed in the optimal range for wear and performance. And the performance was out of this world. Brake torque, pedal feel, everything was spot on. They lasted so much longer than expected because we simply didn't need to stand on the brakes every corner to get the car to slow. The pedal feel remained consistent the entire 25 hours as well. You guys have really created the ultimate set of brakes and if these don't sell out immediately I don't know what else to tell you. One thing's for sure, we will never be switching away from AP. Thanks again for your support and we are incredibly proud to be able to test this kit and get back to you with such positive notes! Here's to 2015!

You can read more about their race results and the car at Yost Autosport. They're planning to have the full story and video up within a few days.


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